Record number of vacant apprentice positions

The number of vacant apprentice positions in Germany continued to rise this year and reached a new record level. This is one conclusion of an analysis on the 2021 training market carried out by the BIBB Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. In 2021, 63,200 apprentice positions remained vacant, 5,4 % more than in 2020. The number has been rising continuously for several years.

Compared with the previous year, demand of young people for dual vocational training decreased by 0,9 % to 540,900. This is the lowest level since 1992, the first year with data for reunified Germany available.

According to BIBB President Friedrich Hubert Esser, insecurity caused by the corona pandemic has been very high both among young people and businesses providing vocational training. He expressed great concern that the interest of youths and young adults in vocational education might further decrease. “Where we lack apprentices today, we will lack skilled workers tomorrow.”

Source: BIBB